What Marketing Strategies Attract New Clients to Mortgage Services?


    What Marketing Strategies Attract New Clients to Mortgage Services?

    To uncover effective marketing strategies in the competitive mortgage industry, we've tapped into the expertise of a Chief Acquisitions Officer who emphasizes the power of leveraging SEO. Alongside insights from various professionals, including a Residential Loan Officer and a Founder and Managing Director, we've also gathered additional answers that range from targeted social media campaigns to partnering with real estate agents. These diverse strategies, from optimizing customer lifecycle SEO to local search engine marketing, are proven to attract new clients to your mortgage services.

    • Leverage SEO Across Customer Lifecycle
    • Create Understandable Industry Videos
    • Implement a Combined Referral Scheme
    • Run Targeted Social Media Ads
    • Promote First-Time Homebuyer Deals
    • Deliver Exclusive Rates via Email
    • Optimize for Local Search Engine Marketing
    • Partner with Real Estate Agents

    Leverage SEO Across Customer Lifecycle

    A strong SEO presence across the entire customer lifecycle has been proven to be the most effective marketing strategy. We create informational content that people are researching in the awareness, consideration, and conversion stages. Furthermore, we convert the traffic with a great free e-book and can start building a relationship with the person.

    Abby Shemesh
    Abby ShemeshChief Acquisitions Officer, Amerinote Xchange

    Create Understandable Industry Videos

    Getting in front of a camera and creating videos has been a HUGE foundation for my business over the years. I love taking things most other loan officers don't like to talk about—breaking news, industry-related updates to programs, guidelines, and/or anything else that is usually written in a hard-to-understand fashion—and making it easily understandable for agents and clients.

    Will CabanResidential Loan Officer, Miami

    Implement a Combined Referral Scheme

    The most successful marketing strategy our business had came from our early days of trading in 2020. We launched what we referred to as our 'Combined Referral Scheme.' In essence, it was a fancy name for clients publishing our business. Rather than simply asking clients to leave us a recommendation on Google, Trustpilot, etc., we asked them to follow our Facebook Page as stage 1 of the scheme. At the mortgage offer stage, we then sought the client's review on Google/Trustpilot. We found that by implementing this request at the offer stage, clients were receptive and motivated to do so, having now received their formal offer. The second stage, however, occurs at completion. We issue out a thank-you gift to our clients; inside the gift box is a QR code to our business Facebook page. We then asked them to create a post on their personal Facebook page, tagging our business page in via the QR code. This meant we were instantly placed in front of their friends and family as a mortgage brokerage that had delivered results. We would then share this from our FB page into multiple groups we are part of. On average, each post by our clients saw us reach an audience of over 3,000 with no expenditure from our business. There are lots of ways to generate new clients, but we found as a new business this was a way to generate recommendations without paying for them, reach a larger audience, and provide quality social media content that demonstrated happy clients.

    Richard Jennings
    Richard JenningsFounder & Managing Director, Richard Jennings Mortgage Services

    Run Targeted Social Media Ads

    Targeted social media advertising campaigns can efficiently reach potential clients by tapping into the vast user data that social platforms hold. By tailoring ads to specific demographics, interests, and online behaviors, mortgage services can present their offerings directly to those who are likely to be interested in purchasing a new home or refinancing. Visual content, engaging posts, and informative articles on these platforms can help to create awareness and trust.

    The interactive nature of social media also allows for prompt responses to queries, further building customer relationships. Explore social media's power to expand your client base now.

    Promote First-Time Homebuyer Deals

    Offering a unique promotion for first-time homebuyers can be a powerful way to attract new clients. This strategy communicates understanding and dedication to the needs of individuals who are new to the mortgage process. By creating specialized packages or discounts, mortgage services can ease the financial burden on first-time buyers, making the service more attractive.

    Such promotions also generate positive word-of-mouth marketing as satisfied customers share their experiences with friends and family. Consider how a first-time buyer promotion could transform your business today.

    Deliver Exclusive Rates via Email

    Email marketing remains an effective tool for providing exclusive rates to potential clients. By building a mailing list, mortgage services can deliver personalized offers directly to individuals who have shown interest. This direct line of communication keeps the service at the forefront of potential customers' minds.

    Regular updates about lower rates, new products, and helpful tips can help nurture leads until they are ready to make a decision. Start crafting your engaging email marketing campaign and offer exclusive rates today.

    Optimize for Local Search Engine Marketing

    Utilizing search engine marketing for mortgage services is an excellent way to capture local leads who are actively searching for home financing options. By optimizing website content for search engines, businesses ensure that their services appear near the top of search results when potential clients are looking for mortgage advice. Paid ads can also be employed to target specific local keywords, placing the services right in front of those with immediate needs.

    The strategic use of SEO and paid search ads can lead to a substantial increase in local traffic and inquiries. Enhance your search engine marketing efforts to connect with local homebuyers today.

    Partner with Real Estate Agents

    Forming partnerships with real estate agents can provide a steady stream of referrals for mortgage services. As trusted professionals in the housing market, real estate agents can recommend mortgage providers to homeowners who are in the process of buying a home. Such partnerships are mutually beneficial, as they amplify credibility and can provide reciprocal business opportunities for both parties.

    Establishing strong relationships with agents ensures that they have the confidence to refer their clients, knowing they will receive quality service. Reach out to local real estate professionals and explore how a partnership could benefit your business.