What Unconventional Advice Would You Give a New Loan Officer?


    What Unconventional Advice Would You Give a New Loan Officer?

    When stepping into the complex world of mortgage lending, unconventional wisdom can be a beacon for those embarking on a career as a loan officer. A Mortgage Wealth Advisor suggests perceiving 'No' as 'Not Right Now', setting the stage for resilience, while we also present additional answers, including the importance of meditation for maintaining poise and clarity. Here's a blend of expert advice and unique strategies to navigate the mortgage industry successfully.

    • Perceive 'No' as 'Not Right Now'
    • Embrace Continuous Learning
    • Share Personal Interests
    • Use Humor to Simplify Finance
    • Get Involved in Your Community
    • Create Engaging Educational Events
    • Meditate for Poise and Clarity

    Perceive 'No' as 'Not Right Now'

    I would tell a new loan officer that receiving a 'no' from a potential referral partner is normal, but what you should hear is 'not right now.' Don't get discouraged—it may be a matter of timing. They may come around. The opposite is also true... just because a realtor accepts a meeting with you and the meeting goes well, it does not mean that realtor is going to start using you immediately.

    Like anything, these referral partnerships are a relationship. They must be tended to by a loan officer. I would also track every lead that you get. See what turned a lead into a successful conversion and what didn't work so you can fine-tune your selling. Lastly, I would tell a loan officer to invest in their business. Invest 10% of your income back into yourself. Invest in a separate CRM for your clients. Do not use your employer's platform. Then you will always have the ability to take your database wherever you go.

    Jerry Pounds
    Jerry PoundsMortgage Wealth Advisor NMLS 340848, Citizens Bank

    Embrace Continuous Learning

    In the mortgage industry, you need to be prepared for all the ups and downs of the fluctuating market. Learn all the products that you can so you can advertise to a wide variety of customers. Take advantage of the webinars and classes that are offered to you. Never stop learning! Even consider going back to the basics for a refresher course.

    Amy Hass
    Amy HassSenior Mortgage Loan Officer, Buckingham Mortgage, LLC

    Share Personal Interests

    Developing interests outside of work, like painting or gardening, serves as an excellent conversation starter with clients. When loan officers share their passions, it allows for a more personable interaction that goes beyond financial transactions. It helps build deeper connections, paving the way for mutual trust and a more enjoyable business relationship.

    Engaging in hobbies also offers a refreshing break from the numbers and contracts, keeping one's mind sharp and creative. Start a conversation with your next client by sharing an interesting hobby and notice the difference it makes.

    Use Humor to Simplify Finance

    Employing humor can be a powerful tool in demystifying complex financial topics for clients. A well-timed joke or a light-hearted comment can make discussions about loans feel more relaxed and less intimidating. It makes the environment friendlier, encouraging clients to ask questions and express concerns without hesitancy.

    Moreover, it can turn potentially stressful meetings into enjoyable experiences, fostering a positive atmosphere. Next time you meet with a client, consider easing into the conversation with a touch of humor to lighten the mood.

    Get Involved in Your Community

    Increasing visibility within the community is pivotal for a loan officer's success. By dedicating time to volunteering at local events and charity organizations, an individual not only contributes to the good of the community but also builds a reputation as a caring and involved professional. Clients are more likely to trust and engage with someone they recognize as an active member of their community.

    Such involvement shows a commitment that goes beyond business transactions, resonating with potential borrowers. Start planning to attend a local community event where you can volunteer and network simultaneously.

    Create Engaging Educational Events

    Hosting educational events with a spin, like 'Mortgage 101: Halloween Edition,' can make learning about loans more engaging for potential clients. It offers a break from the norm, attracting individuals through the promise of an enjoyable experience while providing valuable information.

    These events can turn dry material into something memorable, keeping a loan officer's services at the forefront of a client's mind when considering their options. By organizing a themed financial workshop, you get to inform and entertain your audience — try planning one that combines educational content with a fun twist.

    Meditate for Poise and Clarity

    A daily practice of meditation can serve as a secret weapon for a loan officer looking to stay composed under pressure. It helps to foster a sense of inner peace and clarity, which is crucial when navigating the complexities of financial services. With a calm demeanor, a loan officer can provide better guidance and maintain professionalism at all times.

    Moreover, a clear mind is more efficient in problem-solving and decision-making, essential skills in this industry. Begin incorporating a few minutes of meditation into your routine to help maintain poise and focus during your workday.